![Hero image](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/store_live/5047346/imageHero.jpg?_=1492262626112?_=1533567413138?_=1533567415689?_=1543579494444)
Pedagogy and professional development
A View from the Bridge: Greek Tragedy - Eddie's Downfall!
This interesting and highly-stimulating lesson students to demonstrate a developed, sustained understanding of the structural features of the Greek Tragedy which are utilised in Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. In particular, students engage analytically with Eddie’s ‘hamartia’ and catastrophic downfall at the end of Act II. Students examine how Eddie’s role as a tragic hero, his fatal flaw, and the sense of fate which runs throughout, mirrors the features of Greek Tragedies.
The lesson follows a clear, logical, bite-size learning journey, which guides students towards differentiated learning objectives. Over the course of this journey, they become able to:
- Define and identify the features of Greek Tragedies;
- Understand Miller’s views towards Greek Tragedies, and his intentions for writing the play in this form;
- Identify the features of Greek Tragedy in A View from the Bridge;
- Critically engage with text as a Greek Tragedy, considering how Eddie’s downfall is constructed by his fatal flaws, hamartia, and catastrophe;
-Peer assess each other’s learning attempts.
This resource pack includes:
- A visually engaging whole-lesson PowerPoint presentation;;
- Paper copies and online links to the extract needed for the lesson (end section of Act Two);
- Greek Myths Definitions Cards;
- Greek Myths worksheet (including answer sheet for teachers);
- A logically scaffolded essay template;
- A detailed lesson plan, complete with what the teacher and students should aim to achieve at each stage of the lesson.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.
Bundle Sale
Descriptive Writing Huge Bundle! (All PowerPoints, Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Help-Sheets, Games, and More!)
This giant bundle pack offers a comprehensive range of descriptive writing lessons, (everything that you will need for them - whole lesson PowerPoints, worksheets, lesson plans - everything) help-sheets, writing templates, and activities.
Included are whole lesson resources for:
-Amazing verbs and adverbs
-Adventurous adjectives
-Astonishing alliteration
-Capturing the readers’ attention
-Exceptional expanded noun phrases
-Perfect personification and awesome oxymorons
-Structuring and organising creative writing
-Stupendous similes and miraculous metaphors
-Wondrous writing - seven wonders of the world
-Writing about Emotions
-VCOP - vocabulary
-VCOP - openers
-VCOP - connectives
-VCOP - punctuation
All images are licensed for commercial use and are cited on the final slides of the PowerPoints.
New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Bundle Pack! (Context, Fiction, Non-Fiction)
This bundle contains all of the resources for:
- New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Context; New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Fiction; New GCSE English Language Reading: 19th Century Non-Fiction.
These informative and engaging lessons enable students to build the skills needed to interpret and analyse 19th Century non-fiction texts. This will aid students through the new GCSE English Language - for which they need to become confident readers of 19th, 20th, and 21st Century fiction and non-fiction texts. These resources give students a strong foundation of knowledge of features of fiction and non-fiction texts in the 19th Century, using a range of visual and varied resources. There are easily enough resources for at least two lessons within this resource pack.
The following resources are provided:
- Engaging and colourful step-by-step PowerPoint presentations;
- Visually engaging worksheets;
- Resources for all activities;
- Writing purposes help-sheet, to aid longer writing tasks;
- All Lesson plans;
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of each PowerPoint. These lessons can also be bought individually - priced at £2.00 each
Bundle Sale
Of Mice and Men Huge Bundle!
This engaging, varied, and informative scheme of learning is designed to help students gain understanding, assessment skills, and key interpretations of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. Made up of a wide-range of interesting and exciting lessons, students should complete this scheme having gathered vital skills in: interpreting the significant meanings of the text, understanding the writer’s ideas within the text, identifying the traits of key characters, settings, and themes, and relating the text to its social and historical context.
Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows a logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps:
- Engaging
- Defining/ Understanding
- Identifying/Remembering
- Analysing/ Creating
- Peer or self evaluating.
All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided. There is also a fun ‘Pointless’ Game included, to test your students’ knowledge of the text!
Animal Farm: Dictatorship
These resources enable students to understand and analyse the characteristics of Napoleon’s dictatorship in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. In addition, students learn to make clear and accurate interpretations regarding the events of the chapters 5 and 6, (as Napoleon’s dictatorship begins to emerge) and make appropriate links to individual characters and their allegorical relationship to context. As these chapters signal the end of the animal democracy on the farm, and the start of Napoleon’s totalitarian dictatorship, a heavy emphasis throughout these resources is placed upon the character of Napoleon - particularly with regards to his similarities with Joseph Stalin.
There are easily enough resources for two lessons within this pack. Students learn through the following tasks:
- Gauging and collaborating prior knowledge through a discussion-based starter task;
- Gauging their knowledge of key terms such as ‘totalitarian’ and ‘oppression’ through a collaborative card-sorting activity;
- Reading chapters 5 and 6 and demonstrating their understanding through an apt and informative worksheet;
- Developing their understanding of the main character of Snowball, and his allegorical equivalent, Joseph Stalin, through a comparison task;
- Analysing the links between Napoleon and Stalin in chapters 5 and 6, using a templated writing frame;
- Peer assessing their partners’ learning attempts.
The following resources are provided:
- Engaging and colourful step-by-step PowerPoint;
- Cards for card-sorting activity;
- Teacher lesson guidance/plan;
- Analytical paragraphs worksheet;
- Pictures for comparison task;
- Copies of Chapters 5 and 6.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.
Animal Farm Pointless Game! (and blank template to create your own games!)
Based on the popular game show ‘Pointless’, this resource is perfect for use as a whole lesson resource, enrichment option, or revision tool. Editable, so that you can change to any other topic or change questions. (I’ve also added a blank template so that you can make your own games from scratch). Containing almost 30 slides of sound clips, interesting tasks, and suitably challenging questions, this resource is effective at both promoting engagement and enhancing learning. There are several full rounds of questions to build or revisit knowledge of characters, plot, and themes in ‘Animal Farm.’
Round 1. The characters in Animal Farm
Round 2. Quotations from the text
Round 3. Settings and Objects
Round 4. Themes in Animal Farm
The nature of this game ensures that the resource can challenge students of all levels.
A blank template has also been added, so that you can create your own games!
Pupil Progress Data Analysis Template (Automatic percentage formulas and pie charts!)
This neat, compact, and visually-engaging data analysis template is an invaluable tool for school leaders, teaching and learning leaders, curriculum leaders, or any other school-based staff responsible for the inputting and analysis of pupil progress data.
All that the resource requires is for users to input raw pupil progress data, and it will automatically calculate percentages, and create colourful pie-charts to provide detailed yet easily-readable headline figures. Each excel sheet has been designed to fit onto one A4 page, for easy reading, and this includes space for users to input analysis of the data and plot interventions.
5 sheets have been pre-populated with example data, but the user can create as many extra sheets as they want by simply right-clicking the tabs, selecting 'move or copy', and then ticking the 'create copy' box. The sheets that are created will contain all of the same formulas and pie-charts, to enable you to create page after page of detailed progress analysis!
All of the columns and row names in the tables can be edited to suit the language used by your school, but please avoid altering the percentages rows, as you may lose the formulas.
If you have any further questions after purchasing this product, please contact me at tandlguru@yahoo.co.uk
Marking and Feedback Performance Grid
For use alongside book monitoring/ work scrutiny, this succinct performance grid enables observers to gauge and categorise marking and feedback using OFSTED guidance for effective feedback. The first page of the document provides descriptors of 'outstanding', 'good', 'requires improvement' and 'inadequate' feedback within appropriately considered focus areas, for example: Frequency, Constructive Feedback, Marking for Literacy, etc. Schools that already employ this tool often opt to highlight the descriptors on this page as they complete the scrutiny, thus creating a bigger picture of the strengths and areas for improvement in the feedback observed. This can also be a helpful aid in arriving at an overall judgement, should your school opt to arrive at one. The second page allows observers to further pinpoint and describe the 'www' (what went well) and 'ebi' (even better if) aspects of the feedback, to aid teacher in improving their practice.
An Inspector Calls Pointless Game (and blank template to make your own games!)
Based on the popular game show 'Pointless', this resource is perfect for use as a whole lesson resource, enrichment option, or revision tool. Editable, so that you can change to any other topic or change questions. (I've also added a blank template so that you can make your own games from scratch). Containing almost 30 slides of sound clips, engaging visuals, and suitably challenging questions, this resource is effective at both promoting engagement and enhancing learning. There are several full rounds of questions to build or revisit knowledge of characters, plot, and themes in 'An Inspector Calls.'
Round 1. The characters in An Inspector Calls (takes approx 10 mins)
Round 2. Quotations from the text (takes approx 15 mins)
3. Settings, themes, and objects (takes approx 15 mins)
4. Themes in An Inspector Calls (takes approx 10 mins)
The nature of this game ensures that the resource can challenge students of all levels.
A Christmas Carol: The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come!
This engaging and informative lesson enables students to make insightful and developed interpretations of Dickens’ use of language in describing ‘The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come’ in A Christmas Carol. In particular, they explore how the descriptive language used to describe the appearance, mannerisms, and movements aid the haunting portrayal of the ghost.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
- Reading and understanding the key plot elements of stave 4 - in which The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come appears;
- Identifying and exemplifying the key language features used by Dickens in describing the ghost, including its appearance, actions, and mannerisms;
- Analysing the extent to which the language used creates a haunting and imposing image of the ghost;
- Peer assessing each other's learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and comprehensive;
- Extract - Stave 4 of A Christmas Carol;
- Dickens' Language: The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come Worksheet (and completed answer sheet for teachers);
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to mixed ability year 10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Description of Mr Hyde!
This engaging and informative lesson enables students to make sustained and insightful interpretations of Stevenson’s language when describing Mr Hyde throughout the novella ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.’ In particular, students analyse how the use of similes, varied verbs, and repetition, contribute to the portrayal of devilish man deprived of a social or moral conscience.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
- Understanding key information about 19th Century morality, and learning how the character of Hyde becomes separated from these ideals;
- Reading and comprehending key extracts describing Hyde in the text;
- Exemplifying and analysing Stevenson’s use of language devices across his description;
- Describing their own immoral/hideous character utilising the same descriptive techniques;
- Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and comprehensive;
- Selected extracts from the text describing Hyde;
- Stevenson’s Language worksheet (and completed answer sheet for teachers);
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Links to further reading for advanced students (internet access needed for these);
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. These resources were originally taught to GCSE students, but with subtle adaptations they have also been used with KS3 and A Level Students.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.
Ozymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley
This engaging, comprehensive lesson provides an interesting and highly-informative study of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s power and conflict poem: ‘Ozymandias.’ Throughout the lesson, students gain a detailed understanding of the poem, with a particular focus upon the content, language, and structural features employed by Shelley. By the end of the lesson, students demonstrate their knowledge of the text analytically, through assured, appropriate, and sustained interpretations.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which children learn through:
- Defining the key concept of power, and considering its role and implications in man’s actions;
- Securing contextual understanding of both Ozymandias the ruler, and Percy Bysshe Shelley the poet;
- Reading and interpreting the poem, using a provided line-by-line analysis, and interactive group activities;
- Developing their understanding through inferring and analysing key language and structural choices;
- Analysing how the theme of power is explored through Shelley’s content, language, and structure;
- Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and substantial; (including hyperlinks to informative and engaging videos)
- Copy of poem;
- Content, language and structure mind map;
- Deeper thinking worksheet;
- Analysis template with success criteria for creating well-structured responses;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. This was originally taught to middle-ability year 9/10 groups, but can easily be differentiated for groups of different ages and abilities.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.
Bundle Sale
Lord of the Flies Huge Bundle!
This bundle contains all of the Lord of the Flies lessons, the comprehension activities booklet, the knowledge organiser and the Pointless game!
These engaging, varied, and informative lessons have been designed to help students gain a valuable understanding of the plot, characters, language, and key messages in William Golding’s novel ‘Lord of the Flies.’ The lessons enable students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the key features of content, language, and structure, in addition to considering Golding’s key intentions in writing the novel.
All of the resources that you need to teach are included in the bundle: Whole lesson step-by-step PowerPoint presentations, informative and engaging , worksheets, activities, and lesson plans.
Contained in the bundle are lessons based on:
- 1. Savagery vs Civilization;
- 2. Ralph, Jack, and Piggy;
- 3. Golding’s Language Devices;
- 4. The Beast
- 5. Simon and Roger
- 6. The Ending
Plus the 30-page comprehension booklet, the knowledge organiser and the Lord of the Flies Pointless Game!
Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps:
- Engaging
- Defining/ Understanding
- Identifying/Remembering
- Analysing/ Creating
- Peer or self evaluating.
All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging.
Teacher Quality Monitoring and Tracking Big Bundle!
Contained in this bundle are all of the teacher performance grids, (lesson observations, book monitoring, and pupil progress) in addition to the teacher quality trackers. Used in combination, these resources enable school leaders and data managers to easily and precisely monitor teacher quality over time.
The Teacher Performance Grids contain:
1.) Observation & Learning Walk Performance Grid
2.) Marking and Feedback Performance Grid
3.) Pupil Progress Performance Grid
For use alongside lesson observations, learning walks, book monitoring, and discussions about pupil progress, these succinct performance grids enable observers to gauge, categorise, and feedback on teaching and learning using OFSTED guidance for effective teaching. The documents provide descriptors of 'outstanding', 'good', 'requires improvement' and 'inadequate' practice within appropriately considered teaching and learning focus areas, for example: Questioning, Positive Feedback, Use of Additional Adults, Noticing Data Trends and Plotting Interventions etc. Schools who opt to grade individual teachers on their performance have noted that these are helpful aids in arriving at an overall judgement.
The Teacher Quality Trackers allow teaching and learning leaders to monitor the quality of teaching across their departments/ schools over time, focusing on the triangulated performance indicators of: Lesson Observations/Learning Walks, Book/Folder Monitoring, and Pupil Progress. Users can easily view changes in individual, department, key stage, and whole school teaching and learning quality over time.
The tools are automatically formatted to colour code entries from the codes 1 (Outstanding = Green) to 4 (Inadequate = Red) Each entry also updates the 'average school performance' table, which in turn alters the line graph showing quality over time. This enables leaders to easily identify trends in performance data. Furthermore, there is also space in which users can give details of CPD sessions and interventions, in order to a provide a foundation to evaluate their impact.
Individual pages are provided for observations, book monitoring, and pupil progress.
'3 captures per year' and '6 captures per year' versions are provided, to allow for schools that measure quality at variable intervals.
Bundle Sale
KS2 SPAG Bundle!
These engaging and detailed resources have been designed to make the learning of KS2 SPAG concepts (aligned with the newest National Curriculum standards) easily accessible, engaging and interesting for all children. Throughout each lesson, students learn to improve their skill at using appropriate, concise, and precise spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and practice employing them within their own writing compositions. Each lesson contains a comprehensive whole lesson PowerPoint, all of the worksheets/activity resources that you will need, and a lesson plan.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint/ the bottom of worksheets.
Bundle Sale
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Huge Bundle!
This engaging, varied, and informative scheme of learning is designed to help students gain understanding, assessment skills, and key interpretations of Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.’ Made up of a wide-range of interesting and exciting lessons, students should complete this scheme having gathered vital skills in: interpreting the significant meanings of the text, understanding the writer’s ideas within the text, analysing key characters, settings, and themes, and understanding Stevenson’s language devices.
Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps:
- Engaging
- Defining/ Understanding
- Identifying/Remembering
- Analysing/ Creating
- Peer or self evaluating.
All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided.
Animal Farm: The Ending (Orwell's Message)
These resources enable students to understand and analyse the significance of the ending in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. More precisely, students learn to make clear and accurate interpretations regarding the increasing inequalities on the farm. Furthermore, students analyse how the final events of the novel help Orwell to get his message across to the reader. It is likely that there are enough resources here to be used over at least two hour-long lessons.
Students learn through the following tasks:
- Gauging and collaborating previous knowledge of ‘equality’ through a discussion-based starter task;
- Reading chapters 9 and 10 with a particular focus on the increasing inequalities between the different animals, and demonstrating their understanding through a related activity sheet;
- Gauging the inequalities between the animals through the design and explanation of an ‘equality graph’ (template and instructions provided);
- Understanding how the events of the final chapters help Orwell to get his message across to the reader;
- Analysing how the inequalities between the animals are evident through either a character analysis of Boxer or Napoleon (template and success criteria provided);
- Peer assessing their partners’ learning attempts.
The following resources are provided:
- Engaging and colourful step-by-step PowerPoint
- Teacher lesson guidance/plan;
- Equality graph template;
- Two analysis template: Boxer and Napoleon;
- Chapters 9 and 10 worksheet (plus teacher answer sheet);
- Copies of Chapters 9 and 10.
All images and videos are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the PowerPoint.
Year 5 Guided Reading Comprehension Activities Booklet! (Aligned with the New Curriculum)
Now with PDF version included! This resource booklet contains a wide range of age-appropriate, engaging, and meaningful comprehension activities for use in guided reading sessions. They are perfect for aiding the progress of children towards meeting the Year 5 expectations within the new National Curriculum framework. Children love learning from these resources, whilst they are also of great use to teachers, as there is explicit information within each task regarding which comprehension strands the task is designed to demonstrate. They are also generic enough to ensure that they are appropriate for use with all texts.
Activities and games within the booklet include:
- Word Tennis - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: 'Discuss their understanding of new words, and explore the meaning of words in context'
- Understanding Literary Heritage Fiction - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: 'Read myths, legends, traditional stories, modern fiction, fiction from our literary heritage, and books from other cultures and traditions."
- Conventions Bingo - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: 'Identify and discuss themes and conventions in writing.'
- Figurative Language - to enable students to demonstrate that they can: 'Discuss and evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, to create an impact on the reader.'
Plus many more activities (the booklet is around 20 pages in length!)
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on a separate document (included.)
The Vikings Knowledge Organiser/ Revision Mat!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for students learning or revising knowledge relating to the Vikings. It contains comprehensive sections on:
Viking routes map (annotated);
Viking Leaders and Explorers;
Viking timeline;
Viking places and events;
Viking daily life.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included). It is most suitable for children in KS2 and KS3.
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet
In this engaging and informative lesson, students are enabled to make clear and insightful interpretations of Elizabeth Bennet – the chief protagonist in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. In particular, students learn about her key characteristics- such as her strong ideas, wit, intelligence, grace, and good humour – and relate these to ideas of societal expectations of the time.
The lesson follows a step-by-step learning journey, in which students learn through:
- Playing a fun and interactive quiz to determine the key events and family life of Elizabeth Bennet;
- Establishing her characteristics and traits, utilising textual evidence;
- Analysing Elizabeth’s character in relation to the expectations of society in the Regency Era;
- Creating clear and creative diary entries, using an in-depth understanding of Elizabeth’s character;
- Peer assessing each other’s learning attempts.
Included is:
- Whole lesson PowerPoint - colourful and comprehensive;
- ‘Character Traits of Elizabeth’ task resources - with teacher answer sheet;
- ‘Elizabeth in Context’ task resources - with teacher answer sheet;
- Comprehensive lesson plan.
There are also opportunities for group learning, peer assessment, and whole class discussion. These resources were originally taught to GCSE students, but with subtle adaptations they have also been used with both younger and older (up to A Level) students.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and image rights are listed on the last page of the presentation.